Gas Tank Containers: Industry Overview

Gas Tank Container Overview

The majority of the gas tank container fleet consists of UN portable tanks (T50), which manufacturers construct under the ASME XIII pressure vessel code. Manufacturers specifically design these containers for the safe storage and transport of liquefied gases.

Key Features of Gas Tank Containers

Each gas tank container includes a certified product list that specifies which products you can load. This list depends on the working pressure of the container and the critical pressure of the product in its liquid phase. Therefore, you must consult this list before loading. As a result, these containers safely transport various liquefied gases without compromising performance.

Working Pressure Groups

Most gas tank containers fit into one of four working pressure groups: 15.1 bar, 22 bar, 27.5 bar, and 34.5 bar. Typically, these containers accommodate multiple products and feature internal baffles for enhanced stability. As a result, they transport various liquefied gases safely without compromising performance.

Discharge Capabilities

These four “standard” pressure groups support bottom discharge and filling; however, some products require top discharge capabilities. For instance, the 27.5 bar and 34.5 bar tanks commonly transport refrigerants and typically include a protective zinc coating. This feature ensures that the tanks remain durable during use.

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Capacity: 20.000 to 25.300 Liters 
Tare: depending on capacity and pressure, up to 10.000 kg.
Max. Gross weight: 36.000 kg  
Shell material: SA 612 or P460NL  
Frame Dimensions:   
Length: 20 ft.6.058 M
Height: 8’6”2.591 M
Width: 8’ 2.438 M
Design Temperature: -40 degrees °C to 55 degrees °C 
Maximum working pressure:4.0 Bar 
Test pressure:6.0 Bar 
External pressure:1.00 bar (full vacuum) 

Details of Gas Tank Containers

The lower pressure tanks (up to 22 bar) are mostly built in carbon steel SA 612, and the vessels are certified as pressure vessels under ASME DIV 1 or Div 2.

The higher pressure tank containers (27.5 and 34.5 bar) are primarily used for liquified refrigerants. To avoid contamination,these high pressure tanks are often built with a sacrificial zinc coating to prevent rust in the tank container. Among the products loaded in these tank containers are ozone-unfriendly gases.To minimize leakage as much as possible are these tanks mostly built without spare flanges for future fitment of level gauges.

a 20”/DN500 bolted manlid is often fitted at the rear of the tank.
The interior of the vessel is fitted with horizontal corrugated (stainless steel) baffles.

The Unportable tank T50 is fitted with a 3 closure bottom discharge supplied by a worldwide leading manufacturer. The discharge valve includes: an access flow valve (internal valve) that can be closed remotely by a cable on the side of the tank container, a DN 50 ball valve as 2nd closure and an ACME coupling or blind flange as third closure.

Most gas tank containers are built with the connections on the rear side of the tank container. For dedicated rail service tank containers are built as side discharge units. A cabinet to protect the valve sets is often fitted.

The vapor valve includes: an access flow valve (internal valve) that can be closed remotely by a cable on the side of the tank container, a DN 50 ball valve as 2nd closure and an ACME couplings or blind flange as third closure.

A T50 tank container is fitted with a safety valve specifically built for gas tanks often fitted with a bursting disc.  
The frame is made of mild steel and meets the ISO dimensions of a 20ft box container. The barrel is connected to the frame and is a part of the integral construction; therefore, top rails are not needed but can be added upon request.
Each gas  tank container is fitted with an analogue probe thermometer, capable of reading from -20 to max 160 degrees °C.
Each gas tank container is fitted with a gauge that displays the internal pressure.
The majority of the gas tank fleet is built without insulation and fitted with a marine-grade aluminum sunshield.

To avoid moisture in the tank, gas tanks are generally filled with nitrogen containing a low oxygen content (<0.5%) and a dew point of at least -20°C. Lower dew points can be arranged upon request.

Low-pressure tanks are often fitted with a provision for the future installation of a level gauge.

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